Gee Guys, long time no blog. Sorry. I feel really bad about ignoring nothin but cuts, but recently someone told me that I was "king of the blogs" so apparently I'm getting along fine without her.
But that's nowhere near true. I need nothin but cuts, there's not really any other place where I can write about all of the weird ass random shit I like.
For instance, I heard this song way back in 2008 when Ryan "Schwatever" threw it in his set at Justin's pahaarroooty. As far as I can tell, I'm the only person who heard it and instantly thought it was amazing, but ya'll need to be learned about this Fonda Rae.
So good. The beginning is nasty cheesy, but then a synth that sounds like an electronic steel drum comes in, and it quickly becomes ridonk (is that something people say? I will have to retire it if it is) in an incredibly wondrous, hazy pastel-lit way . I read a Youtube comment along the lines of "This used to be the jam when it came on at the skating rink," thus this track has singlehandedly convinced me that roller disco needs to come back. Yes, I know that Youtube comments are the devil's tongue, yes I know that I can't roller skate and when attempting to learn I take on the same attitude as a small child, frustrated with the fact that his sloppy joes won't stay inside the bun, but that doesn't matter. It's not about the reality, it's about the dream.
I'm also gonna upload this track by Wham!, because I like it for a lot of the same reasons as the Fonda Rae track. The reactions I've gotten from it this far range from, "I don't like this," to "It makes me nauseous," but if this is just a weird personal thing, I'm cool with that.
In addition to thinking it sounds awesome, I just love lyrics like, "Some people work for a living/some people work for fun/girl I just work for you," and "And now you tell me that you're having my baby/I'll tell you that I'm happy if you want me to/but once step further and my back will break/if my best isn't good enough then how can it be good enough for two?" Just the image of George Michael as this beleaguered working class heterosexual lad caught in a relationship that's killing him is kind of hilarious.
1 comment:
i am so pleased when my nicknames prove pervasive this way
good to have you back bud
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