I feel like I'm kinda late on the vaguely disturbing and terrifically obscene art rap of the deceptively attractive Bunny Rabbit. I feel like all of the little kids outside my house probably know all of the lyrics to "Pussy Queen" by heart. Why do I feel this way? I have no idea. And what the fuck is art rap? Calling something "art" anything is basically an easy way to imply that it's unconvential to such a degree that most people wouldn't understand or like it. What the fuck people. Do you motherfuckers not like art? Ugh. Fuck calling anything "art" something. That's some bullshit. Bunny Rabbit really seems to be a collaboration between Bunny herself and producer Black Cracker, who she seems to be in a relationship with (i.e. they fuck). Do lesbians actually scissor, or does that only happen in porn. Porn has fucked me up irreparably. Why am I so angry? It's probably all of this Bunny Rabbit I've been listening to. Ugh. I just need to go do some pcp and sexually assault an animal *possum* and then I'll be good. Fuck.
(note, if you download Dirty Dirt, you must listen to the entire track, because the end is intense)
The term "art punk" still confuses me. I refused to believe for a while that it only actually referred to something that was "unconventional". I thought it was much deeper than that. I'm saddened to know that it isn't.
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